The Seed Field

Facing Book Bans and Budget Pressure, School Librarians Show Their Importance

Episode Summary

A conversation about book bans, library misconceptions, and the important work school librarians do to serve students and the broader school ecosystem, with Antioch faculty Jen Sturge and Christie Kaaland.

Episode Notes

Jen Sturge was working as a librarian supervisor when, “in about 2021, 2022,” she explains, “the nature of my work changed—and it wasn't for the better.” Organized parent groups started challenging books and getting them banned from the library. In today’s conversation with Jen Sturge and her colleague Christie Kaaland, we discuss how these book challenges take up time, resources, and enthusiasm, distracting from the vital work that school librarians do to support learning, media literacy, love of reading, and healthy schools. Before the book banners came to town, Jen says, “I had absolutely what I considered to be the best job in the entire world.” The question is, how can we as a society build back our libraries and support librarians?


Visit Antioch’s website to learn more about the Endorsement in K-12 Library Media that Jen and Christie teach in.

Listen to our interview with Jen and Christie’s colleague Deb Kachel, S6 E2: School Librarians Are Essential, So Why Are These Jobs Disappearing?

You can explore the data about school libraries in your own city or town at the website of SLIDE: The School Librarian Investigation—Decline or Evolution?

This episode was recorded June 11, 2024 via and released June 25, 2024.